Sunday, December 9, 2007

Oral Communication

Working in groups has never been an easy thing for me. I have always felt uneasy about working with others because I was afraid that I would be the only one working. I developed that fear from earlier experiences where I end up doing all the work while the rest of my group rides on my shoulders. This semester I learned to put trust in other people. I found it easier to work within a group because people were willing to share their ideas. They contributed within the discussions and volunteered to do a segment of the work. This made things much easier than in the past where I would find myself having to ask the other group members what they thought and getting no reply. I am more comfortable sharing my ideas because they are actually considered by the group. Working in a group has also taught me to take into consideration other people’s thoughts and ideas. I am so used to being the one who has to come up with everything and when I would ask for people’s opinions, they didn’t care because the job was getting done. This semester has definitely given me a more positive outlook on working within a group.

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